Request an activation code
If you have a Swedish personal identity number, we recommend that you activate your KauID using e-identification (BankID or Freja) or by visiting our helpdesk in person. If you request and use an activation code, your KauID will not meet the requirements for secure login, and therefore you will not be able to login to important services such as My Kau or Ladok for students. We recommend activating with e-identification and using this form only if no other method works for you.
Fill in the form below so that our support personnel can contact you.
We send activation codes via email or normal post. We can only send to the email or postal address(es) that are in Ladok. If you applied via universityadmissions.se, you can find your Personal code number (in Swedish: interim personnummer or personnummer) on your Notification of Selection Results. If you do not know what your Personal code number is then you need to contact the
admissions office
at the University.
Email address
Personal code number
Please send code via
Normal post
Your message
Include a message so that we can give you the best possible help.